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Role of Insurance Surveyor or Loss Assessor

Role of Insurance Surveyor or Loss Assessor

The primary responsibility of a Surveyor or a Loss assessor is to estimate the liability of the loss incurred by the Policyholder who has taken an insurance cover, to enable the insurance company to arrive at the amount to be indemnified to the Policyholders under the terms of insurance contract. The following are the specific duties and responsibilities as enshrined under the Regulations:

(a) Declaration of conflicts of interest:

In case the surveyor is interested in the subject matter under loss assessment or in the policyholder whose subject matter is being assessed, he must declare the conflict to the insurer and stay away from the assessment exercise. For example, if the Surveyor is the son of the Policyholder whose car has been damaged in a fire accident, such a Surveyor cannot assess the loss of the car of his Father, in view of the conflict of interest. He must declare this relationship to the insurer concerned and not conduct the survey proceedings in such cases.

(b) Maintenance of confidentiality and neutrality in the loss assessment exercise:

He has to keep the interests of both the insurer and the policyholder in mind

(c) He must investigate the causes and circumstances of the loss in question

[Post Image Courtesy of JM1366 at]

(d) He must personally conduct a spot survey and comment upon excess insurance or under insurance.

(e) Advise the insurer about loss minimisation or loss control efforts or security and safety measures which can be adopted to ensure that the incidence of loss is reduced or avoided in future.

(f) Pointing out discrepancy in policy wordings, if any.

(g) Satisfying the queries of the insured or the insurer in connection with the claim or loss.

(h) Recommending applicability of depreciation and its percentage and quantum.

(i) Commenting on salvage and its disposal.

Either the insurance company or the insured can appoint a licensed surveyor for any loss exceeding `20,000, within 72 hours of knowledge of loss to the insured. Notice of such appointment shall be sent to the insurance company or the insured, as the case may be. The Surveyor and Loss Assessor shall undertake survey only in the department for which license was In case there is any dispute or difference by the insured, another licensed surveyor shall be appointed to conduct the survey at the cost of the insured. Dispute on the quantum of loss may be referred to arbitration.

A surveyor shall submit his report within 30 days of his appointment. In exceptional cases, the surveyor may seek extension of time up to 6 months from the insurer, under intimation to the insured. Where the report is incomplete, the insurer may seek additional report within 15 days of submission of the report by the Surveyor. Under such circumstances, the Surveyor shall submit the additional report within 3 weeks of request from the insurer.

Insurance Law And Practice - ICSI
Role of Insurance Surveyor or Loss Assessor Role of Insurance Surveyor or Loss Assessor Reviewed by Blog Editor on Sunday, April 30, 2017 Rating: 5

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