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The Nature Of Insurance Contract

The Nature Of Insurance Contract

What Is Insurance Contract Definition And Meaning

A contract of insurance is an agreement whereby one party, called the insurer, undertakes, in return for an agreed consideration, called the premium, to pay the other party, namely the insured, a sum of money or its equivalent in kind, upon the occurrence of a specified event resulting in a loss to him. The policy is a document which is an evidence of the contract of insurance.

[Post Image Courtesy of Stuart Miles at]

As per Anson, a contract is an agreement enforceable at law made between two or more persons by which rights are acquired by one more persons to certain acts or forbearance on the part of other or others. The Indian Contract Act, 1872, sets forth the basic requirements of a Contract. As per Section 10 of the Act:

“All agreements are contracts if they are made by the free consent of parties competent to contract, for a lawful consideration and with a lawful object, and are not hereby expressly declared to be void…..”.

An Insurance policy is also a contract entered into between two parties, viz., the Insurance Company and the Policyholder and fulfills the requirements enshrined in the Indian Contract Act.

Insurance Law And Practice - ICSI
The Nature Of Insurance Contract The Nature Of Insurance Contract Reviewed by Blog Editor on Sunday, April 30, 2017 Rating: 5

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