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Today is a day when I will teach you avery new business money which you can do from the comfort of your bedroom and make a lot of money here in Nigeria. Many smart people are already earning their living through this and I do not want you to be left out of the bounty. I want you to go into this business and join others to make money online for yourself. The business arrangement is very simple and less stressful. All you need to do is to buy good items from reliable sellers on Chinese e-commerce websites like the and the and resell them on the notable Nigerian trading portal - Konga ( in your own free store and make a lot of money and profits from the venture. That is the basic arrangement of the business but I will give you a clearer of understanding of how this business actually works by telling you more about it.
Many of you do not know it yet that the Aliexpress portal is a top online e-commerce and online shopping website where you can easily buy good at very cheap prices from sellers and dealers, ship them directly to Nigeria at very low costs and sometimes for free and resale them locally to make triple and quadruple profits. Buying your merchandise from this portal is very cheap because most Chinese manufacturing companies and trading outfits come there to display their products for sale at very discounted and affordable prices. To even crown it all, most of these Chinese merchants offer their buyers and customers free shipping services whenever they purchase goods from them as market incentives. They will send your items directly to your specified residence here in Nigeria using Postal mail services and similar shipping channels. This will save you a lot of costs in the business and increase your profit margins and potentials to a great extent.
If you have a capital of around N1,000,000 (One million Naira which should be around $6000), you can conveniently go into this business and be assured of your profits. The more capital you have, the more profit potentials you have for yourself. If you can afford like a sum of N5,000,000 (Five million Naira which should be around $30,000) or more, you can import your products directly from the big time manufacturers and they will ship your goods using big containers which you will clear at the ports as soon as they arrive. From there, you can sell your products and make a lot of money doing the business.
In the past and even in these recent times, I have purchased items like mobile phones and power banks from the Aliexpress portal at very affordable prices and this practice have always saved my money as an online buyer. Sometimes, I order for those items for my personal use while most of the times, I make bulk purchases of products at very cheap prices which I always resale here in Nigeria once they arrive safely at my doorsteps for triple and more profits. Obviously, I have noticed that all these stuffs that I buy from Aliexpress are also the same items that are sold here in Nigeria. But the distinguishing factor is the pricing system. The prices of such items are very high here in the Nigerian markets unlike on the Aliexpress portal where you can conveniently get them from Chinese merchants at very low costs and capital requirements and save a lot of money for other investment and personal expenditure purposes.
On the other hand, the Konga is one of the largest Nigerian based online shopping portal added to the likes of Jumia, Dealdey and Kaymu. On the Konga e-commerce store, you can buy almost anything you can ever need. And irrespective of whether you reside in Abuja, Lagos, Anambra, Kaduna, Sokoto or Port Harcourt, you can conveniently order for any item you like on the site, pay the required sums in Naira and get your purchased items shipped to wherever you specify that you are living. Their product delivery is nationwide and that has made them the people's favourite all over the country.
Their outstanding online retail and shopping services has attracted them the large patronage level that they deserve from many Nigerian online shoppers who now take the platform as their only online shopping destination. And not only these, Konga now has the full features of being called a market by also offering a platform where online sellers can also display and showcase their products for customers to buy from them. The Konga online platform for the third party sellers is officially called the Konga Marketplace. Thus, you can create and run your own online store on Konga.
Going further to say more, I can tell you that the Konga marketplace is an online platform and feature that allows all prospective sellers and online merchants register and place their merchandise for sale on the Konga website to interested buyers. In this arrangement, Konga helps in delivering these third party products to the buyers to ensure efficiency and effectiveness of their services, collect the sales revenue for such transactions, take a very little sales commission depending on the specified percentage for the products and hands over the rest to the merchants who will get back their capital plus huge profits.
To start this business with immediate effect, you need to have the money with which to buy your items inside your bank account. Also, you need to obtain your shopping cards from your chosen banking institution either as Visa card or Mastercard. As soon as you have these things in place, go to the Aliexpress portal, search for items you like, pay for them and have them shipped to you through the Postal Mail, DHL, NIPOST and other available similar services. Store your items as soon as they arrive in a security tight room or a warehouse. Head over to the Konga market place, log into your account and list them one after another.
As people make orders for them, submit them to the Konga team and they will safely handle the delivery processes. Then, they will take their commissions which is always below 10% of the total sales revenue and varies from one item to another. The remaining balance will be paid into your account by the Konga team and you will enjoy your money.
Please ensure that you first consider the costs at which you bought each of your products from Aliexpress before ever listing them for sale on the Konga website. Such costs includes the exchange rate losses and gains, the shipping costs and custom duties (if any), your transportation costs, your phone call and messaging charges, Value Added Tax (VAT) payable on Konga sales, Konga sales commission and many other miscellaneous costs. So calculate and analyse them very well and accurately so as to be able to fix profitable prices on your showcased products to avoid making losses at the end of the day.
Also, it is worthwhile to use a separate bank account for your importation business and whatever special transactions that you do in life. It fosters accountability, traceability of fund movements, secures personal funds and prevents having a confused scenario where your personal savings and your business funds gets mixed up such that it will be difficult for you to say if you are making profits or losses. So take a very good note of this. Use that very account to make your payments and accepts all deposits relating to that particular business for which you opened it. Surely, it will make it easier for you to calculate your income and expenditure from the business within any given period of time and ascertain if your activities are profitable or rather wasteful and extravagant.
Take for instance you opened an account with a bank with the sum of N500,000 for online importation business purposes and you were issued a Mastercard or a Visa card as the case may be for your online and offline transactions, it is always advisable to use that account solely for your dealings with the Aliexpress portal, the Konga website and for the making of any other payments like the custom duties as well as the reception of your revenue from time to time. This will help you to easily track and understand your business activities. If your money there gets exhausted, fund it and continue your transactions. Though it is not compulsory, it is a highly advisable business practice.
When purchasing and importing your items from e-commerce portals like Aliexpress into Nigeria, you may not necessarily pay custom duties to clear them. Mainly, it depends on the quantity or category of items that you imported. For goods worth below N50,000 in total, you are likely not to be charged duties for them. But when the total value of the goods that you imported ranges above that value, you are more likely to be charged custom duties for them before you can clear them to your store or warehouse. If your goods are being shipped using NIPOST, they will notify you if you have any outstanding duties to pay and send you the Bank account details into which you will pay the charges and present the payment tellers during the goods clearance process.
In conclusion, buying goods from the Aliexpress e-commerce portal and reselling them on the Konga Market place is a very good, reliable and viable way through which small and medium scale importers in Nigeria can make millions of money doing the business. As long as you successfully order for your products from Aliexpress, have them shipped to you, get the listed on Konga and get customer demands for them, you will surely generate your sales revenue and make a lot of profits and returns on your business investments and operations.
To shop on the Aliexpress portal, visit their official website on and to sell your products on the Konga platform, register with them on and place your products for sale at profitable prices.
For more information on this business, consult an experienced online importer. I am at your service. Ask me your questions and send any comment you have on this article using the comment box below and I will get back to you with helpful responses and replies as soon as possible.
Get other information on how to start a business and make a lot of money from it by always coming to this blog everyday to read my old and latest articles which I publish on this same platform everyday. Thank you for reading!
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Today is a day when I will teach you avery new business money which you can do from the comfort of your bedroom and make a lot of money here in Nigeria. Many smart people are already earning their living through this and I do not want you to be left out of the bounty. I want you to go into this business and join others to make money online for yourself. The business arrangement is very simple and less stressful. All you need to do is to buy good items from reliable sellers on Chinese e-commerce websites like the and the and resell them on the notable Nigerian trading portal - Konga ( in your own free store and make a lot of money and profits from the venture. That is the basic arrangement of the business but I will give you a clearer of understanding of how this business actually works by telling you more about it.
Many of you do not know it yet that the Aliexpress portal is a top online e-commerce and online shopping website where you can easily buy good at very cheap prices from sellers and dealers, ship them directly to Nigeria at very low costs and sometimes for free and resale them locally to make triple and quadruple profits. Buying your merchandise from this portal is very cheap because most Chinese manufacturing companies and trading outfits come there to display their products for sale at very discounted and affordable prices. To even crown it all, most of these Chinese merchants offer their buyers and customers free shipping services whenever they purchase goods from them as market incentives. They will send your items directly to your specified residence here in Nigeria using Postal mail services and similar shipping channels. This will save you a lot of costs in the business and increase your profit margins and potentials to a great extent.
[Post Image Courtesy of DigitalArt at]
If you have a capital of around N1,000,000 (One million Naira which should be around $6000), you can conveniently go into this business and be assured of your profits. The more capital you have, the more profit potentials you have for yourself. If you can afford like a sum of N5,000,000 (Five million Naira which should be around $30,000) or more, you can import your products directly from the big time manufacturers and they will ship your goods using big containers which you will clear at the ports as soon as they arrive. From there, you can sell your products and make a lot of money doing the business.
In the past and even in these recent times, I have purchased items like mobile phones and power banks from the Aliexpress portal at very affordable prices and this practice have always saved my money as an online buyer. Sometimes, I order for those items for my personal use while most of the times, I make bulk purchases of products at very cheap prices which I always resale here in Nigeria once they arrive safely at my doorsteps for triple and more profits. Obviously, I have noticed that all these stuffs that I buy from Aliexpress are also the same items that are sold here in Nigeria. But the distinguishing factor is the pricing system. The prices of such items are very high here in the Nigerian markets unlike on the Aliexpress portal where you can conveniently get them from Chinese merchants at very low costs and capital requirements and save a lot of money for other investment and personal expenditure purposes.
On the other hand, the Konga is one of the largest Nigerian based online shopping portal added to the likes of Jumia, Dealdey and Kaymu. On the Konga e-commerce store, you can buy almost anything you can ever need. And irrespective of whether you reside in Abuja, Lagos, Anambra, Kaduna, Sokoto or Port Harcourt, you can conveniently order for any item you like on the site, pay the required sums in Naira and get your purchased items shipped to wherever you specify that you are living. Their product delivery is nationwide and that has made them the people's favourite all over the country.
Their outstanding online retail and shopping services has attracted them the large patronage level that they deserve from many Nigerian online shoppers who now take the platform as their only online shopping destination. And not only these, Konga now has the full features of being called a market by also offering a platform where online sellers can also display and showcase their products for customers to buy from them. The Konga online platform for the third party sellers is officially called the Konga Marketplace. Thus, you can create and run your own online store on Konga.
Going further to say more, I can tell you that the Konga marketplace is an online platform and feature that allows all prospective sellers and online merchants register and place their merchandise for sale on the Konga website to interested buyers. In this arrangement, Konga helps in delivering these third party products to the buyers to ensure efficiency and effectiveness of their services, collect the sales revenue for such transactions, take a very little sales commission depending on the specified percentage for the products and hands over the rest to the merchants who will get back their capital plus huge profits.
To start this business with immediate effect, you need to have the money with which to buy your items inside your bank account. Also, you need to obtain your shopping cards from your chosen banking institution either as Visa card or Mastercard. As soon as you have these things in place, go to the Aliexpress portal, search for items you like, pay for them and have them shipped to you through the Postal Mail, DHL, NIPOST and other available similar services. Store your items as soon as they arrive in a security tight room or a warehouse. Head over to the Konga market place, log into your account and list them one after another.
As people make orders for them, submit them to the Konga team and they will safely handle the delivery processes. Then, they will take their commissions which is always below 10% of the total sales revenue and varies from one item to another. The remaining balance will be paid into your account by the Konga team and you will enjoy your money.
Please ensure that you first consider the costs at which you bought each of your products from Aliexpress before ever listing them for sale on the Konga website. Such costs includes the exchange rate losses and gains, the shipping costs and custom duties (if any), your transportation costs, your phone call and messaging charges, Value Added Tax (VAT) payable on Konga sales, Konga sales commission and many other miscellaneous costs. So calculate and analyse them very well and accurately so as to be able to fix profitable prices on your showcased products to avoid making losses at the end of the day.
Also, it is worthwhile to use a separate bank account for your importation business and whatever special transactions that you do in life. It fosters accountability, traceability of fund movements, secures personal funds and prevents having a confused scenario where your personal savings and your business funds gets mixed up such that it will be difficult for you to say if you are making profits or losses. So take a very good note of this. Use that very account to make your payments and accepts all deposits relating to that particular business for which you opened it. Surely, it will make it easier for you to calculate your income and expenditure from the business within any given period of time and ascertain if your activities are profitable or rather wasteful and extravagant.
Take for instance you opened an account with a bank with the sum of N500,000 for online importation business purposes and you were issued a Mastercard or a Visa card as the case may be for your online and offline transactions, it is always advisable to use that account solely for your dealings with the Aliexpress portal, the Konga website and for the making of any other payments like the custom duties as well as the reception of your revenue from time to time. This will help you to easily track and understand your business activities. If your money there gets exhausted, fund it and continue your transactions. Though it is not compulsory, it is a highly advisable business practice.
When purchasing and importing your items from e-commerce portals like Aliexpress into Nigeria, you may not necessarily pay custom duties to clear them. Mainly, it depends on the quantity or category of items that you imported. For goods worth below N50,000 in total, you are likely not to be charged duties for them. But when the total value of the goods that you imported ranges above that value, you are more likely to be charged custom duties for them before you can clear them to your store or warehouse. If your goods are being shipped using NIPOST, they will notify you if you have any outstanding duties to pay and send you the Bank account details into which you will pay the charges and present the payment tellers during the goods clearance process.
In conclusion, buying goods from the Aliexpress e-commerce portal and reselling them on the Konga Market place is a very good, reliable and viable way through which small and medium scale importers in Nigeria can make millions of money doing the business. As long as you successfully order for your products from Aliexpress, have them shipped to you, get the listed on Konga and get customer demands for them, you will surely generate your sales revenue and make a lot of profits and returns on your business investments and operations.
To shop on the Aliexpress portal, visit their official website on and to sell your products on the Konga platform, register with them on and place your products for sale at profitable prices.
For more information on this business, consult an experienced online importer. I am at your service. Ask me your questions and send any comment you have on this article using the comment box below and I will get back to you with helpful responses and replies as soon as possible.
Get other information on how to start a business and make a lot of money from it by always coming to this blog everyday to read my old and latest articles which I publish on this same platform everyday. Thank you for reading!
TAGS: import goods from china to australia, import goods from china to kenya, import goods from china to pakistan, import goods from china to south africa, import goods from china to mumbai, how to import goods from china into australia, how to import goods from china to saudi arabia, how to import goods from china into south africa, website to import goods from china, ways to import goods from china, tax for import goods from china, goods you can import from china
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