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The Earl and the King - Medieval Poems King Arthur

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(Originally written on 7/05/2010)

"Men are innate defaulters who default whenever they find faults in the deeds and existence of their fellow men"

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[Post Image Courtesy of Taw4 at]

I dreamt of an Earl of Kent
Riding on white Horse bent
With his bronze, silver and gold
To a dear fair King so bold

He soon arrived safe and sound
Saw the King and slept profound
When his night sleep was well done
Bronze, Silver and Gold were gone!

To no one he said this thing
But kept suspecting the King
And from then, he made a vow
That he would s t e a l anyhow

The first day he stole a Hen
But was caught by the children
"Meat in your mouth", the King cried!
"I'm sharing it", he replied.

The next day he broke the lock
And held a goat on the neck
"What is it?", the Shepherd called
"I'm counting the teeth", he wailed

The Earl to the King was brought
To plead for a charge he sought
The King cried and turned his sight,
The Earl grabbed a fat Cow tight!

This straw broke the carmel's back
The King's head went rack and tack
"What sort of man did earth bore?
I think he should live no more"

At this point the Earl spoke high
"My Silver, Bronze and Gold nigh!
You s t o l e mine and I took more
I think we should live no more!"

Knowing their talk was stiffened
The King and the Earl reasoned
They both gave up all they stole
Letting the blame down the h o l e

Indeed that is the World's game
A mix of the wild and tame
One where none is qualified
To be duly dignified.

»»» Adapted from the Anthology - "A poet's tales from Chamberlain Castles" by me; Ikpokolo Francis Chukwuemeka. No piracy please, all rights are duly and solely reserved to the poet and author alone!

TAGS: king tut acrostic poems, short king arthur poems, poems about king arthur and camelot, poems about king henry viii, poems about king john, king james bible poems, poems by king david, biblical poems king david, martin luther king day poems, douglas king poems, edith king poems, edward king poems, martin luther king poems for kindergarten, king lear poems, king solomon love poems, king david love poems, stephen king poems pdf, phyllis king poems, king shaka poems, king solomon poems, king louis xvi poems, king charles 1 poems, king james 1 poems, king quest 6 poems, king henry the 8th poems
The Earl and the King - Medieval Poems King Arthur The Earl and the King - Medieval Poems King Arthur Reviewed by Blog Editor on Tuesday, March 25, 2014 Rating: 5

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