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A world I never knew - World Famous Poems About Life

world poetry slam championship, world poetry month, world poetry slam 2016, world literature poems and authors, world poems by famous poets, world poetry day activities

(Originally written on 7/05/2010)

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[Post Image Courtesy of Gualberto107 at]

In the midst of a world I never knew
Life success seemed like the drops of the dew
Which when it fell was for all and not few
Such was my say when I was young and new

Then, I had seen a fly trying to hatch
A little Butterfly with just a patch
I helped it out and it flew from the batch
Only to see it fall dead on a thatch

But why should it die after all my aid?
Seeing me cry, an old man around said;
"The fly would have survived if it had laid
And hatched itself out without you the maid"

From that day onwards I began to thirst
For hardwork, to succeed and be the first
Hoping for the best, expecting the worst
Life is a show and its flaws are the cost

For in the midst of the world I now know
Life success seems like the co ck's morning crow
Which when it sounds is for few, not all row
Such is my say while I'm still old and low.

»»» Adapted from an Anthology - "A poet's tales from Chamberlain Castles" by me; Ikpokolo Francis Chukwuemeka. All rights are duly reserved to the poet and author alone. Please do not reproduce this in any forms without due consent and permission!

TAGS: world poetry day 2016, world poetry movement, world's best poems about love, world's best poems about life, world famous poems about life, world best poems in english, world cup poems 2014, world top 500 poems, world famous poems about love, world famous poems and poets, word best poems of all time, top 10 world famous poems, top 10 world's famous poems

A world I never knew - World Famous Poems About Life A world I never knew - World Famous Poems About Life Reviewed by Blog Editor on Tuesday, March 25, 2014 Rating: 5

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