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Newpaper Delivery Buisness Plan - How to Start a Newspaper Distribution Business and make money

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A popular saying explains clearly that a man who is truly dead is not that man whose body is lying lifeless on the ground rather, it is that person who is alive and still refuses either voluntarily or in ignorance to read and consume information from time to time. In fact, such persons are not better than the lifeless. As human beings that we are, we live and dwell in the world where billions of events happen and occur in a twinkle of an eye without as knowing so many of them.

Narrowing it down to our respective countries and our close environments, we need to be constantly awake, aware and conscious of whatever goes on around us so that we can always be in better positions and convinced states of minds to make better and effective decisions. Hence, that constant urge to gather such helpful news, tips and information together regarding events, happening and occurrences in a given area gave rise to news media channelled newspapers in particular a very long time ago. Today, there a vast number of newspapers all over the world and in Nigeria specifically.

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[Post Image Courtesy of Stuart Miles at]

It is only in the past that we say and believe that Newspapers are only meant for the rich and the educated. It is obviously a fallacy because even a grandmother in the village needs to know the latest events in her country and know when intruders and insurgents will come and attack her. Business tycoons and importers need news on fluctuations of currency exchange rates in order to know when best to buy stock or take a trip and when not to. And so much more. Many people now read newspapers daily although the habit is mainly obtainable among the urban and city dwellers who are more civilised in their attitudes than the villagers and rural inhabitants.

This thus, brings up a real time opportunity for a business plan on Newspaper retailing in the cities, towns and urban settlements. When I lived in Asaba, Delta state, I always took a stroll every evening to observe the type of businesses that people do. Among my numerous feedbacks was the fact that every now and then, flashy cars always stopped by at newspaper joints and buy the newspapers and zoom off in their rides. It was then that the business initially caught my eyes. It is a very fast-selling product with a very high profit margin if you can succeed in selling as much copies as you can in a day.

To start this business today, visit a newspaper house or office near your location, indicate your interest and start sourcing daily newspapers from them. Most newspapers brands like Sun Newspaper, Punch, The Pointer, Vanguard, Guardian and many more of them operating in Nigeria have branch offices in all states in the country and their branch offices have buses which distributed these newspapers daily to newspaper retail stands. So this eliminates transport costs for you and your business.

Find a strategic spot like a busy junction, near offices and government ministries and locate your stand. Sell off your newspapers at your desired profit margins to readers and make your money. You can also charge readers who do not want to buy the papers a lesser fee for reading them only. Remember to buy as much quantities as you can sell off to avoid wastes. If the newspapers goes stale, sell them off to Suya meat sellers and still make some cash from that.

You can supplement your income from the business by adding fruits, apples and drinks to your newspaper stand and make more money from your business venture.

TAGS: newspaper business model, newspaper business section, newspaper business plan, newspaper business cards, newspaper business for sale, newspaper business directory, newspaper business expense, newspaper business ads, newspaper business plan pdf, newspaper business manager job description, newspaper distribution business, newspaper business for sale australia, guardian newspaper business section, german newspaper business
Newpaper Delivery Buisness Plan - How to Start a Newspaper Distribution Business and make money Newpaper Delivery Buisness Plan - How to Start a Newspaper Distribution Business and make money Reviewed by Blog Editor on Monday, February 09, 2015 Rating: 5

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