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Palm Kernel Oil Business Plan - Start Palm Kernel Oil Producing Business Plan and Make Money

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Inside a palm tree lies numerous avenues of money making money with untold income potentials. That is why people who own palm tree plantations can never ever become poor or poverty-stricken in their lives again as long as the plantation remains. One of such valuable parts of the palm tree which can make you lots of money if you process it is the palm oil seed.

From the palm seeds, palm seed oil is extracted giving out an end product known as palm seed cake. However, the palm seed is that edible part found inside the palm nut of a palm fruit. The palm fruit is the naturally complete fruit of a palm tree which still bears the palm oil-stuffed layer. After the extraction of palm oil from the palm fruits, what remains is called the palm nuts. When you break the palm nuts and dismember the shells (ie the palm kernels), what you have remaining are the edible palm seeds which forms the last and innermost layer of a palm fruit.

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[Post Image Courtesy of Think4PhotoP at]

Hence, this business model is centred on the processing of these palm seeds into palm seed oil and seed cakes and making lots of money from the sales of the two extracts. The palm seed oil popularly known as 'Ude Aki' among the Igbo tribe is the oil extract from palm seed when they are grinded and pressed using specially designed machines and tools. The colour of palm seed oil looks alike with the colour of the human urine but they do not have the same properties. So take good note of that. The palm seed cake is that grinded and pressed end product derived from palm seeds after the extraction of the palm seed oil.
The two products are in high demand both in the domestic and international markets. While the palm seed oil is used for making drugs, body creams and neutralizers, the palm seed cake is used mainly for the manufacture of animal concentrate feeds, soap making, pomade production and drug manufacturing too.

You can get into this lucrative business venture and make money doing it. All it takes for you to start up this business as soon as you can includes the following:

• Rent a land or an office for your palm seed extraction and processing plant. Sites near to the supply of palm seeds are preferable and advisable to either rent or acquire.

• Buy the palm seed pressing and extraction machines and contract the services of an Agricultural engineer to install the equipment for you in your plant.

• Employ labourers and adequate manpower to work for you and package your products.

• Register your business officially if you like it to portray a corporate image and goodwill. If not, operate it on your own personal scale and at the dictates of your preferences.

• Extract your products (palm seed oil and palm seed cakes) and sell them off to your targeted customers who includes livestock farm and manufacturing companies who may have need for your products from time to time.

Ensure that you keep adequate business records so that you can track your business performances completely. Expand your business from your sales proceeds and make more money into your bank accounts doing the palm seed processing business without much stress.

Do you have any questions? Please ask any palm seed processing business expert around you for the right answers or drop them here through the comment box placed below. We promise to help you the much we can to see that you finally come out as a successful man and a living testimony in the business venture. Cheers!

TAGS: how to start palm kernel oil business in nigeria, how to start palm kernel oil extraction business in nigeria, business plan for palm kernel oil production, business plan on palm kernel oil production

Palm Kernel Oil Business Plan - Start Palm Kernel Oil Producing Business Plan and Make Money Palm Kernel Oil Business Plan - Start Palm Kernel Oil Producing Business Plan and Make Money Reviewed by Blog Editor on Monday, February 09, 2015 Rating: 5

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