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Advantages of Retained Earnings

Advantages of Retained Earnings:

Retained earnings consist of the following important advantages:

1. Useful for expansion and diversification: Retained earnings are most useful to expansion and diversification of the business activities.

2. Economical sources of finance: Retained earnings are one of the least costly sources of finance since it does not involve any floatation cost as in the case of raising of funds by issuing different types of securities.

Advantages of Retained Earnings
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3. No fixed obligation: If the companies use equity finance they have to pay dividend and if the companies use debt finance, they have to pay interest. But if the company uses retained earnings as sources of finance, they need not pay any fixed obligation regarding the payment of dividend or interest.

4. Flexible sources: Retained earnings allow the financial structure to remain completely flexible. The company need not raise loans for further requirements, if it has retained earnings.

5. Increase the share value: When the company uses the retained earnings as the sources of finance for their financial requirements, the cost of capital is very cheaper than the other sources of finance; Hence the value of the share will increase.

6. Avoid excessive tax: Retained earnings provide opportunities for evasion of excessive tax in a company when it has small number of shareholders.

7. Increase earning capacity: Retained earnings consist of least cost of capital and also it is most suitable to those companies which go for diversification and expansion.

Sourced From: Financial Management By C. Paramasivan And T. Subramanian
Advantages of Retained Earnings Advantages of Retained Earnings Reviewed by Blog Editor on Thursday, March 23, 2017 Rating: 5

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