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Motivational Quotes For Overcoming Adversity

The best Motivational Quotes For Overcoming Adversity are as follows:

"Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking." - By William B. Sprague

"Strong lives are motivated by dynamic purposes." - By Kenneth Hildebrand

"Nothing will ever be attempted if all possible objections must first be overcome." - By Samuel Johnson

Motivational Quotes For Overcoming Adversity
[Post Image Courtesy of Stoonn at]

"Fortune favors the brave." - By Publius Terence

"When the best things are not possible, the best may be made of those that are." - By Richard Hooker

"He who hesitates is lost." - By Proverb

Motivational Quotes For Overcoming Adversity Motivational Quotes For Overcoming Adversity Reviewed by Blog Editor on Thursday, December 22, 2016 Rating: 5

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