Yes, you can really make money faster and quickly on Fiverr than you can ever think. There are many ways of boosting your sales as well as orders on fiverr so as to generate more revenue. However, one of surest ways of achieveing greatly depends on how you set up your Fiver Gig Delivery Duration and arrangements.
Fiverr sellers please listen very carefully and attentively to this point, buyers on Fiverr usually like getting their Fiverr orders completed and delivered quickly by Fiverr sellers whenever they place orders. Infact, they are so endeared to quick order delivery offers. In this understanding, you can see it cleary that sellers who are fast and quick in delivering orders to fiverr buyers satisfactorily and according to their taste are more likely to get more and massive orders everyday unlike the Fiver sellers who specify something like a 5-Day delivery interval for instance.
The simple secret is that as a a Fiverr seller, you need to have "EXPRESS GIGS" so as to get morre orders and make more money on fiverr. On the Fiverr platform, an express gig is a fiverr gig whose specified delivery duration period is not more than 24 hours. Thus, fiverr sellers with express gigs always makes sure that their gigs are delivered to buyers within 24 hours.
However, I am not trying to say that sellers with 5 Days Gig delivery duration will never make sales on Fiverr. Of course they can! But the chance are very slim compared to sellers on Fiverr whose gigs are all express gigs. As a New Arrival on fiverr, I will advise you to set your Gig duration at 24 hours so as to get sales orders more quickly. But maybe later on when you start getting enough orders foro your gigs, you can then change your gig Duration.
Try it out as soon as possible and hopefully, it will surely work out favourably for you. THe truth is that Fiverr Buyers are easily attracted to express gig delivery offers. If you put yourself in their shoes, you wil also feel the same way. I am quite sure nobody will like to pay for something and wait for as much as 5 days to get it when you can still pay for the same thing elsewhere and get it at your doorstep within 24 hours. Think about it and do the right thing as soon as you are done.
Drop your comments in the comment section using the comment box placed below and we shall attend to you with prompt feedback and support as soon as possible. Cheers!
Fiverr sellers please listen very carefully and attentively to this point, buyers on Fiverr usually like getting their Fiverr orders completed and delivered quickly by Fiverr sellers whenever they place orders. Infact, they are so endeared to quick order delivery offers. In this understanding, you can see it cleary that sellers who are fast and quick in delivering orders to fiverr buyers satisfactorily and according to their taste are more likely to get more and massive orders everyday unlike the Fiver sellers who specify something like a 5-Day delivery interval for instance.
[Post Image Courtesy of Marin at]
The simple secret is that as a a Fiverr seller, you need to have "EXPRESS GIGS" so as to get morre orders and make more money on fiverr. On the Fiverr platform, an express gig is a fiverr gig whose specified delivery duration period is not more than 24 hours. Thus, fiverr sellers with express gigs always makes sure that their gigs are delivered to buyers within 24 hours.
However, I am not trying to say that sellers with 5 Days Gig delivery duration will never make sales on Fiverr. Of course they can! But the chance are very slim compared to sellers on Fiverr whose gigs are all express gigs. As a New Arrival on fiverr, I will advise you to set your Gig duration at 24 hours so as to get sales orders more quickly. But maybe later on when you start getting enough orders foro your gigs, you can then change your gig Duration.
Try it out as soon as possible and hopefully, it will surely work out favourably for you. THe truth is that Fiverr Buyers are easily attracted to express gig delivery offers. If you put yourself in their shoes, you wil also feel the same way. I am quite sure nobody will like to pay for something and wait for as much as 5 days to get it when you can still pay for the same thing elsewhere and get it at your doorstep within 24 hours. Think about it and do the right thing as soon as you are done.
Drop your comments in the comment section using the comment box placed below and we shall attend to you with prompt feedback and support as soon as possible. Cheers!
Make Money On Fiverr Faster Using Express Gig Delivery
Reviewed by Blog Editor
Saturday, October 29, 2016
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