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Amazon Prime Gift Membership - How to Exchange Amazon Prime Gift Wrap Baskets

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Exchange an Amazon Prime Gift

Exchanging an Amazon Prime Membership Gift is very simple. Thus, this Amazon Prime feature allows existing Amazon Prime Members, Amazon Student Members and Amazon Prime Fresh members to exchange an Amazon Prime Gift Membership for an Amazon Gift Card.

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[Post Image Courtesy of Vichaya Kiatying-Angsulee at]

How to exchange Amazon Prime Gift membership:

(1). The Amazon Prime Gift Membership Recipient should Login to his e-mail account where he received the Amazon Prime Gift Notification and Click on the 'Already a Prime member?' Link contained in the Prime Gift notification e-mail.

(2). A new page will open and from there, click on the 'Get your Gift Card' link. By so doing, you will follow a few other subsequent instructions so as to successfully exchange your Amazon Prime Gift for an Amazon Gift Card.

You can always check your Amazon Gift Card balance by logging into your account and clicking the 'View Gift Card Balance' link on your dashboard.


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Amazon Prime Gift Membership - How to Exchange Amazon Prime Gift Wrap Baskets Amazon Prime Gift Membership - How to Exchange Amazon Prime Gift Wrap Baskets Reviewed by Blog Editor on Thursday, November 05, 2015 Rating: 5

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