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Start a Handkerchief Business - Make Money Selling Handkerchief in Bulk and Making a Handkerchief Embroidery Patterns Designs

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So many times, people get lost in their deep thoughts about the different types of profitable businesses which they can easily start with little capital and make money running it. The answers to such questions are always not far-fetched but the problem with many people is that we easily neglect things and call them ordinary whereas, they are the right solutions to our questions, thoughts and worries. From what people call nothing, you can really make out something and even more things. Mainly, it is from ordinary things that great wealth and riches are generated.

Handkerchiefs and towels may seem to be ordinary and affordable commodities to you and hence, you think they may not generate too much money for you give the low prices at which they are being sold in the market. But who told you that? Are you just making silly imaginations and hasty conclusions over what you do not really know about? That may have been the problem and hindrance militating against your financial success for a very long time now but you may not have discovered it all these while. Now, I beg you to discard such a crude mentality, put on your cap of business brains and flow with me as I discuss real business facts with you.

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[Post Image Courtesy of PatPitChaya at]

Take it or leave it, there are millions of cash and maximum financial returns waiting for you to exploit them for your own benefits in the handkerchief and towel production business model. Yes, without mumbling my words, I can boldly tell you over and over again that you can make million of money anywhere in the world just by producing and selling handkerchiefs and towels of different types and designs to people. Both products are similar and related household items which almost everybody uses everyday. In one way or the other, it is difficult for a single day to pass in the life of an active human being without him or her using either a towel or a handkerchief or even both.

Handkerchiefs are one of the smallest pieces of finished fabrics products. Textile materials are cut into square or rectangular pieces and sizes to make the handkerchiefs which can be used for various purposes including cleaning of dusts off surfaces, wiping of sweats off the human body, spitting and sneezing while in the public and for other miscellaneous utilities. In the same vein too, towels are textile materials which can come either in small, medium or large sizes. The materials used for making towels are usually more woolly, heavier and thicker than those used in the making of handkerchiefs.

In some cases like wiping of dusts and sweats, towels and handkerchiefs can be used for similar purposes. But towels have a wider usage and application as a result of the assorted types. There are special towels meant for cleaning the body after bathing, cleaning motor and engine parts, cleaning hands after washing, mopping the floor, cleaning the window glasses, cleaning kitchen utensils and cutlery items, cleaning the furniture and many other uses.

The fact remains that both items are widely used in many areas of our daily lives and that is why they are popularly demanded all over the whole world at large. Careless people throw them away easily because of their portable nature and thus, will always buy new ones. Also, as they get torn, old and worn-out, individuals always buy new ones that can be used to achieve better effects for whatever purposes they may be used. That is why the rate at which people purchase towels and handkerchiefs keeps on rising day by day. Although they are cheap and affordable products, each towel or handkerchief produced has a potential of yielding triple and quadruple returns depending on the production scale of the maker. The bigger your production scale, the lesser your costs and the larger your profit margins.

Here in Nigeria, a good handkerchief that costs the sum of N40 to be produced can be sold for an ideal market price N100 and sometimes for N200 and even above that depending on the location and the urgency of the demand. The same case also applies to towels depending on the size of the towel. A Bathroom towel that costs roughly N200 or N300 can be sold for over N1,000 in Nigeria. This is to show you that the profit potentials associated with these products are extraordinarily high such that the makers and producers always enjoy their 'super normal' gains and profits on the short run and long run.

You can venture into this business with a very little capital and triples it in a matter of few months or even weeks. To start producing towels and handkerchiefs, there are basic steps which you must take as well as requirements which you must meet up with in order to operate the business smoothly and get maximum returns from your establishment. Below are some of the directions that will ensure that these business works out profitably for you if only you follow them faithfully and adhere to them strictly as you set up and run your business.

• First of all, get yourself properly trained in the business. If you go to places like the big markets in Aba, Abia State, Nigeria, you will find many large scale producers and entrepreneurs who deal in towels and handkerchiefs. Attach yourself as an apprentice to any of them and take out your time (a few weeks or months depending on how fast you are) to learn this trade and business. Making handkerchiefs and towels is very simple. There are no sophisticated designs as seen in clothes and other fashion items. Just learn how to identify the various materials for the production of the items, how to make standard measurements and size cuttings for the items, how to combine colours and designs, how to sew up the edges of the items using the sewing machine, how to package them neatly, how to price them and how to sell and distribute them to retailers and customers to generate revenue and massive profits. You are expected to learn all these and many more by the time you are through with your apprenticeship course.

• As soon as you have learnt this trade, it is time for you to start your own business. Rent a spacious shop in a strategic area where you will get your customers easily. It can be in a textile market of fashion related plaza or even in a busy neighbourhood. Paint, enhance and furnish your shop with the necessary production tools and items like the sewing machines, fabric materials, threads, wools and others. If you do not have money with which to rent a shop, you can still produce your handkerchiefs and towels in your house after which you will distribute them to retailers and other customers.

• Start making your handkerchiefs and towels in different sizes, style, qualities, designs and even according to the specifications of your customers. Make use of high quality and cost effective materials and inputs so as to boost your profit margins. Sell your products in wholesale and retail quantities to your customers so as to get a larger access to the market. Encourage customers by granting them periodic trade discounts as well as other market incentives so that they can always patronize you, recommend you to new customers and help you enlarge your customer base.

• This is a unique business idea and presently, there are not too many investors in the business in many areas. So to enlighten the masses that you are around to offer them such high quality products, you need to create awareness for your commodities. First of all, design a good signpost about your business and place it strategically in front of your shop so that people can start noticing you. Also, display your finished products for sale in front of your shop too. Promote and advertise your business through channels like posters, billboards, banners, newspaper and magazine adverts, radio and television broadcasts, physical-cum-verbal persuasion and through many other effective media considering their respective costs effects and derivable values to your business.

• Your potential customers includes all human being living in the civilized world today. To be more specific, your prospective customers for this business includes boarding school authorities, hotels, churches, retailers of the products, fashion product sellers, dancers, students, drivers, office workers, pedestrians and many other individuals who may need it either in retail or wholesale quantities from time to time. Sell your products to them at affordable but profitable prices and make your money.

• As your business base and customers grows, expand your operations by increasing your scale of production. Employ expert staffs to help you out and pay them their salaries or wages as the case may be. You can even give your business a corporate shape by registering it as a company with the appropriate authorities in your area of operation. In Nigeria, the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) takes care of the incorporation and registration of new companies nationwide. So go to any of their nearest branch offices and register your business name and products. This will make you a recognized dealer in the sector and can even extend your business tentacles into the international markets where you will export your finished goods and generate a much more bigger income, revenue and profits.

For other helpful tips about this business, please get them from an experienced business man or woman in the field so as to brighten your chances of success. I am also here to help you. So send in your questions and comments on this article using the comment box placed below and I will get back to you with the necessary responses, assistance and support that you may need to succeed in this business.

Many more business ideas, guides and entrepreneurial tips are waiting for you to read them freely on this blog. Browse through the archives and see numerous business ideas that you can easily start with minimum finance requirements and start making money for yourself and your future generations.

Keep on visiting this blog everyday and you will never miss my latest updates on how to make big money through legitimate means again. I publish such articles here on daily basis as soon as they are ready. Make sure you get them while they are still trending!

Thank you for making out your time to read this article for your own good. I strongly believe that by applying what you have learnt here today, you will rewrite your past stories of financial lacks to a tale of great success and breakthroughs in no distant time. Just bear in mind that every moment, I am committed to ensuring a massive financial success for you. That was why I created this blog. So cheers and enjoy your day!

TAGS: handkerchief dresses for sale, handkerchief embroidery patterns, handkerchief ebay, handkerchief embroidery designs, handkerchief for sale, handkerchief for suit, handkerchief in bulk, handkerchief made in usa, handkerchief monogram, handkerchief nyc, handkerchief on suit, handkerchief reviews, zara handkerchief dress, zara handkerchief print dress, 5 uses of handkerchief
Start a Handkerchief Business - Make Money Selling Handkerchief in Bulk and Making a Handkerchief Embroidery Patterns Designs Start a Handkerchief Business - Make Money Selling Handkerchief in Bulk and Making a Handkerchief Embroidery Patterns Designs Reviewed by Blog Editor on Thursday, March 05, 2015 Rating: 5


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