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How to Increase Alexa Rank Quickly - Reasons Alexa Traffic Ranking Information of your Website is not yet showing

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Sometimes when you visit the Alexa website to check the traffic standings of a particular website or to find out other miscellaneous trends relating to a given webpage, the Alexa website may not be able to provide all the necessary information needed. It may seem as if it is a sort of fault but it is not. There was a period when the traffic standings of the Bulk SMS portal MyFreeBulkSMS was not showing up on the Alexa official website and that kept me wondering for some months whether my own type of website was different from other websites all over the internet.

I proceeded to check the traffic standings and webmaster information of other Bulk SMS portals that I know (both great and small like OgbongeBlog, LindaIkeji and and I found out that their statistics were all shown. I still remained puzzled and worried in thoughts with my mind going to different places. I began to think that it is either my portal was not supported or that it does not fit in. Those were my thoughts actually but at a point after about one more additional month, I checked back my website on the Alexa official website and wow, the traffic statistics were shown and I was very happy.

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[Post Image Courtesy of Mapichai at]

It was not that all the necessary information pertaining to the visible fields were shown rather, the traffic position of my website among all other sites in the world was shown. Then, the Alexa ranking of my Bulk SMS portal was around 10 Million+. Most of the other fields showed blank areas. For instance, the Alexa traffic position of my website in its domestic region was not showing up together with some other areas which have never appeared even till date. Although my main traffic standings and statistics has already been shown, I still wanted to find out more reasons why other miscellaneous information that always appears on the statistics of other websites do not appear on my own whenever I check for them.

I again suspected that it may be that the owners of those websites run a premium or paid account but with a little more research, I found out that almost all of them run the same free account as mine. It was at this point that I typed in the name of another website to check its Alexa traffic standings and I was presented with a feedback message that the Alexa official website do not have enough information with which to rank the website and provide other requested information as well. At this point I said; ''My site is even better than this one''. At least, Alexa showed me the essential traffic position of my website but nothing was shown for this other website when I searched for it as a result of insufficient information.

I even checked more websites and Alexa was still not able to provide and piece of information about them. It then began to get clearer to my eyes. Immediately, I proceeded to the Yahoo Search Engine and made a couple of searches and researches about the issue and seriously, I got a lot of vital information. I even went as far as exploring other numerous pages and information presented on the Alexa official website regarding the issue and I really found out a lot of reasons why Alexa do not always find it easy to rank some websites and hence report 'Insufficient Information' as their reason at the end of everything. Such reasons are as follows:

** The website in question may still be new on the internet and may not possess all those qualities needed to get it ranked by the Alexa mechanism.

** Low level of traffic which a website gets is also a very serious hindrance for Alexa to get vital information about a given website. If a website for instance receives only hundred visitors in a day, Alexa will find such a traffic level too small to figure out certain characteristics and features of the traffic like the location, gender, age and occupation of the visitors too.

** If your website is not well optimized for search engines, it will not be indexed, crawled and made visible among search results whenever related searches are made by internet users. If it remains so, the Alexa official website will also find it very cumbersome to easily ascertain the percentage of Search engine visitors that your website attracts in a day. Also, it cannot be able to give you any feedbacks regarding the popular search engine keywords with which people frequently find your website through online searches.

** Again, another major reason why your website statistics may not be fetched easily and presented on the Alexa website is that you have not yet claimed and verified you website on  the Alexa official website. If you care to know how you can quickly do so and have your website's information showing up on Alexa, please read about it!

** Notably too, a very few fields on the Alexa site traffic evaluation feedback form may require you to upgrade your account to a premium plan before you can get access to the necessary information that are supposed to be shown up there. Such information includes the number of external backlinks that your website has. Although the total number of links as well as the first five links will be shown, you will be required to change your account to a paid plan before other information can be effectively unlocked.

** If you do not have backlinks in other websites like Nairaland, Warrior Forum and the likes of them, please do not expect to get any information on the 'Traffic Sources' section because there are no website from where people can follow your links and visit your own website.

There are still many more reasons but these major ones are all that I can take for now. Just improve your website or Bulk SMS portal from any angle that you find deficient for the better and your site's traffic statistics, trends and information will be better shown and made visible on the Alexa official website. Thanks!

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How to Increase Alexa Rank Quickly - Reasons Alexa Traffic Ranking Information of your Website is not yet showing How to Increase Alexa Rank Quickly - Reasons Alexa Traffic Ranking Information of your Website is not yet showing Reviewed by Blog Editor on Sunday, February 01, 2015 Rating: 5


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