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Make money online offering domain name registration and web hosting services to clients

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You may think that this million-dollar business requires a great deal of money and technical knowledge to start but watch and see how easy it is. The world is rapidly evolving into a "globally computerized village" and it is certain that nobody or group wants to be left out. Every business, organization, school, church, club, association, group, individual, entrepreneurs and colleagues now crave towards finding a more digitized base for their various ventures on the internet. This has prompted the design, hosting and granting me domain names to thousands and millions of websites, blogs, other web pages and similar applications daily.

Hosting a website on the internet is just like getting an online space for it just as you buy plots of land to build physical factories and companies. Getting a domain name on the other hand means giving a unique name to your website without any form of affiliation or dependency on other websites and pages. Website owners get domain names for their sites and also host them through online domain name providers and webhosts and pay periodically for such services rendered to them. In Nigeria alone, surveys has it that the aggregate of web hosting and domain name providing companies make millions of naira per day. You too can hack out your own share legitimately from this lucrative industry and this is how it works.

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[Post Image Courtesy of Stuart Miles at]

Numerous web hosting and domain name providing companies have been operating in Nigeria over the years. Such companies have undergone the full protocols and finally, have been granted the full capacity to host websites on the internet. You may not be able to go through such herculean protocols as a result of possible financial, geographical, legal and age constraints.

Taking full cognizance of these facts, those web hosts and domain name providers in Nigeria now offers you the opportunity to be their reseller with a very little start-up fee not exceeding N2,000. The web host and domain name provider offering you the reseller plan will help you set up your account in a matter of minutes and after that, you can begin to offer paid web hosting services to people and organizations through your reseller website. For each site hosted and granted a domain name, you'll earn above N6,000 depending on the price you will fix.

With an effective advertising campaign, you can host more than 60 websites in a month and that's a cool N360,000 for you which is exactly 180 times your initial capital. This is really a good way of earning a decent income online. Use the traffic strategies contained in our earlier post about generating online traffic to get customers who will patronize your services to your taste. Visit reliable web hosting companies in Nigeria like , and and sign up for a web hosting / domain name reseller account and start making money online. You can also try foreign ones like GoDaddy and Namecheap too.

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Make money online offering domain name registration and web hosting services to clients Make money online offering domain name registration and web hosting services to clients Reviewed by Blog Editor on Sunday, February 01, 2015 Rating: 5

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