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Honey Business Plan - Explore Honey Business Opportunity and Make Money

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Peggy Trowbridge was very right and correct when he described Honey as that natural and organic sugary substance presented in its original form without being mixed with any sort of additives which can be easily digested by the body when consumed. It is a brownish, jelly and glossy food and a good substitute for sugar manufactured by bees who's use flower nectars for the purpose. As a very tasty sweetener, honey can be consumed in many ways like eating it alongside other food items like bread, biscuits, toast, garri, pap, custard, tea, salads among others. The varying tastes derived from these dietary combinations is undeniably delicious and sweet.

Also, honey has a wide range of uses among manufactures of food items like confections, pastries and even body creams, lotions, soaps and hair treatments. Not only that, medicine makers and herbalists use it as a vital input in the making of their medicines and other health care products. It has a relatively high demand all over the world. During leisure times, individual always hand around their gardens, fields and homes with wraps of honey in their hands and enjoy it as the time passes by. Given the high demand pattern for the product, I can boldly tell you that a business plan on Honey is really a very profitable one indeed. You can start is in easy steps and start making big sums of money as soon as possible.

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[Post Image Courtesy of Dan at]

Notably too, it nay interest you so much to know that Honey is one of the few edible food items that can last for a million years and beyond without ever getting spoilt. When preserved in its natural state for any given period of time or duration, it can never get damaged or expire. On its own, it is a natural preservative substance which can keep and preserve itself in a very good condition for a very long period of time. As a result of the high daily consumption rate widely attributed to this product, starting a business that deals in honey is never a bad idea.

To start this business with immediate effect and start making a lot of money from it, you do not have to own a bee hive; although having it with grant your business massive cost-saving advantages. Bee keeping is a separate business model which you can start separatel or combine it with your honey trading business to make more money. So check out for a reliable honey producer from whom to source your original and high quality honey. Many of the honey producers out there mix their products with dangerous substances and liquids in a bid to increase the quantity of their stocks, generate more sales revenue and make abnormal/extraordinary profits in the course of their business operations.

So be very careful not to fall victim of such mischievous sellers in the market who will sell bad honey to you and you wwill definitely record losses, health complaints from your customers and end up attracting bad and inferior names for your business. Buy your natural, original and undiluted honey directly from the bee keepers and farmers because if you have bad instead of buying from the dealers who are in the markets. Make your purchase researches and inquiries well. You can get a 10 litre container of pure honey for as low as N8,000 or even at N10,000. The 5 litre gallons of honey can be bought at prices ranging from N4,000 to N5,000. The price is not steady as there are always seasonal fluctuations. The more quantities you purchase, the more the price discounts you stand to enjoy from the bee keepers.

To confirm that the honey you are buying is original, dip finger into a small portion of honey and drop it to the ground. If it is sticky and threads down as it drops then, the honey is in its natural state. While on the floor, pure honey stays together and does not spread so easily. Also, you can strike a match stick against a little portion of the honey. It will definitely catch fire instantly just like petrol if the honey is original. Again, if you put a little quantity of honey into a transparent water glass and it rests at the bottom of the container without mixing up with the water except when you stir it up then, what you have with you is the original and undiluted honey.

I have earlier in this post talked about the various uses of honey. Apart from being eaten alongside other foods, it serves as a perfect sugar alternative for people living with diabetes. Also, it nourishes and smoothens the skin according to dermatologists. It aids in the healing of wounds and burns when applied to the affected surface of the skin. Honey is used in the making of jams and preservatives for some edible food items. All these uses of the product are the reasons why as a honey trader, you cna never have a bad day doing the business.

Store your honey in air tight containers and keep it away from ants and other pests. When you are ready to sell them off, package your products in colourful gallons, bottles and other plastic and transparent containers. Make them to look so attractive in the eyes of your customers so as to sell them off as fast as you can. Brand your products and make your business look more corporate and outstanding. Take note that an effective marketing system will help you to convert you available stock to cash within a short space of time.

You can give out free samples of your honey in smaller quantities to your friends and neighbours so that they can taste them and possibly make bigger demands for them. Sell to them at attractive and affordable market prices considering your desired profit margins and cost per container of honey. You can have a spot located in a busy area where you can display your products on your stand and get customers as soon as possible. You can sell your honey at car parks, hospitals, strategic roadside and junctions, a well populated neighbourhood, churches, schools, shops, supermarkets, malls, schools, hotels, restaurants, Mosques, offices events and many other social gatherings you can ever find.

As you manage your business lucratively, make your money and even expand it. You can construct a bee farm in the future when you grow enough capital for the business and make more money from the venture. Just work hard and actualize your dreams. Seek out more information about this business if you have a honey dealer near you and get more information about the business from him or her. Comment below with your questions and views for my helpful responses and attention. Enjoy yourself!

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Honey Business Plan - Explore Honey Business Opportunity and Make Money Honey Business Plan - Explore Honey Business Opportunity and Make Money Reviewed by Blog Editor on Monday, February 23, 2015 Rating: 5

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