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Free Privacy Policy Template and Privacy Policy Generator for blogs and websites

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Most at times, bloggers, webmasters and the administrators of other miscellaneous website platforms, resources, tools and application always find it a very boring and uphill task to draft up their privacy policy statements. They do not actually know where to start because they may not yet have a first hand knowledge of either what the privacy policy of a website should be all about or the respective contents of the statement as well. In this post, I want to take out time to guide the newbies and novices in this aspect.

The term 'Privacy Policy' clearly explains itself. It depicts the manner and mode in which a website treats the private information which it collects from its users. For instance, a website can place a newsletter or email subscription form on their pages so that their users, visitors and members can easily subscribe to their periodic updates through their email addresses. By so doing, they collect the private information of such individuals which may include their names, location and email.

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[Post Image Courtesy of LekkyJustDoIt at]

Hence, online protection agencies sees it as a good practice for websites to state the extent to which they tamper with and wade into such privacy information and details which they collect from their users. This thus gives rise to the need that websites should draw up their appropriate privacy policies where they should expressly state what they actually do with the personal details which they track from their site visitors from time to time. The privacy policy of a website can be very complex depending on the size of the website in question. A big website covers a lot of areas an thus should have a complex privacy policy and vice versa.

In a bid to help you construct a comprehensive privacy policy for your website or blog, I will recommend a very powerful webmaster tool for you. You can access it freely at anytime. The indispensable resource guides you through the process of creating your website's privacy policy. All you need to do is to fill in the required fields on the form that you will see on the site and with such details provided about the way your site operates, the took will automatically generate a comprehensive privacy policy for your website and give you room for further customization if you wish to make it more unique.

The authenticity of this free privacy policy generator is evidenced by the fact that their sample privacy policy for websites covers most of the relevant global laws and regulations guiding online activities and operations including the Federal Trade Commission Fair Information Practices (FTCFIP), the Google Adsense and Adwords Privacy Policy requirements, the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), the California Online Privacy Protection Act, the Trust Guard Privacy guidelines, the CAN-SPAM Act among others rules.

Enjoy creating a unique privacy policy statement for your website and come back to this page with your testimonies thereafter.

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Free Privacy Policy Template and Privacy Policy Generator for blogs and websites Free Privacy Policy Template and Privacy Policy Generator for blogs and websites Reviewed by Blog Editor on Sunday, February 01, 2015 Rating: 5

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