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All over the world, running a cyber cafe is one of the most challenging and risky business which you can ever do. That is why most of them fail just a few years after they have sprung up. Although it is a very lucrative business which can be done on a small scale, medium scale or a large scale basis, it takes a smart and expert manager who is well versed in all angles of the business to manage it for maximum returns and profits. You cannot just wake up from your night sleep in the morning and start a cyber cafe straight away. You need to be put through on how the business actually works otherwise, you will make a mess of your hard earned money and waste all your efforts and hardwork in fruitless and futile struggles.
The fact that your younger brother or friend is making millions of money from the business is not a guarantee that you will make it once you start it. They know more than you do when it comes to the business despite the fact that they are your younger ones. And that is the reason why you first have to get yourself deeply rooted and grounded into the do's and don'ts of the business before you venture into it. If you heedlessly do so from your normal business discretion without gaining a good insight into the profitability principles and knowledge base of the business, you will definitely fail in it and start pointing accusing fingers and apportioning blames to that old man or woman who lives directly opposite your compound in the village.
Many reasons and problems like those of non-diversification of business and exploration of related ventures, high operational costs, huge maintenance expenses, poor and epileptic internet connections, and many more in the litany, all constitutes the stumbling blocks which usually culminates into the crumbling of many cyber cafe establishments. That is to say that managing a Cyber cafe obviously an expert who possess the requires skills and knowledge with which to surmount these challenges effectively, reasonably avert associated business risks and totally overcome the numerous potential problems that may militate against the successful operation of the venture from time to time.
Below, I will take out time to carefully enumerate 6 main tips that will ensure that you manage your cyber cafes profitably as long as you abide faithfully to them.
(1). Diversify your business and explore other related opportunities:
Cyber cafes should not only be focused on the sales of browsing tickets to internet users only. There are many other ways of making money from your cyber cafe. Offer other miscellaneous computer services like typing, spiral binding, photocopying, lamination, online registrations (helping clients to register for programs and send their job applications and CVs), ICT tutorials on the use of various computer programs like the MicroSoft packages including the MS Word, MS Excel, MS Corel Draw and others, canteen services and many more avenues of making more money.
(2). Ensure a steady and an uninterrupted Power Supply:
The electricity power supply system in many locations and countries is nothing to writ home about. In order to battle off such fluctuations in power supply from your business, buy and install a big or medium-sized generator depending on your scale of operation. Also make available other power storage and regulating facilities like UPS and Stabilizers so as to protect other devices from power surge damages and keep your services uninterrupted even when the main power source is put off.
(3). Stop your bad procrastinating habits:
Delay is dangerous. Learn to do the right things perfectly at the right times. Do not always assume or manage when you are capable of getting the best. Fix any faults and problems associated with any of your operating gadgets and equipment as soon as you notice them. Stop indulging in unnecessary postponements and procrastination for goodness sake. Always bear in mind that you are running a business which you have spent so much money and efforts to put up.
(4). Cut down your high maintenance costs:
Be a prudent spender and enroll yourself into a business management and maintenance courses so as to learn many cost effective ways and techniques of fixing up minor and major faults in your cyber cafe without paying huge fees to engage an engineer or a technician.
(5). Use a reliable and an affordable ISP Service Provider:
Economize your business funds especially when it comes to paying for your ISP fees. If it is possible, find and use an ISP that will not charge your cyber cafe big fixed fees monthly. The ones that you will pay for their services according to the extent of bandwidth volume exhausted and used within a defined period is preferable.
(6). Install a Back-up Internet Connection:
Do not put all your eggs in one basket to avoid having disappointments and a series of embarrassment someday. Make provision for two or more Internet connection gateways for your cyber cafe so that if one fails or becomes too slow or very costly, the other will substitute for it instantly. The cost is not much so you can easily finance the various services and still run your business profitably.
You may have other nice tips for managing an ideal cyber cafe effectively and profitably. Feel free to add them below in the comment section using the comment box. Also, your views and questions on this article are always welcome for timely attention and responses. Make sure you read my next post and add more to your knowledge. Stay tuned!
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All over the world, running a cyber cafe is one of the most challenging and risky business which you can ever do. That is why most of them fail just a few years after they have sprung up. Although it is a very lucrative business which can be done on a small scale, medium scale or a large scale basis, it takes a smart and expert manager who is well versed in all angles of the business to manage it for maximum returns and profits. You cannot just wake up from your night sleep in the morning and start a cyber cafe straight away. You need to be put through on how the business actually works otherwise, you will make a mess of your hard earned money and waste all your efforts and hardwork in fruitless and futile struggles.
The fact that your younger brother or friend is making millions of money from the business is not a guarantee that you will make it once you start it. They know more than you do when it comes to the business despite the fact that they are your younger ones. And that is the reason why you first have to get yourself deeply rooted and grounded into the do's and don'ts of the business before you venture into it. If you heedlessly do so from your normal business discretion without gaining a good insight into the profitability principles and knowledge base of the business, you will definitely fail in it and start pointing accusing fingers and apportioning blames to that old man or woman who lives directly opposite your compound in the village.
[Post Image Courtesy of David Castillo Dominici at]
Many reasons and problems like those of non-diversification of business and exploration of related ventures, high operational costs, huge maintenance expenses, poor and epileptic internet connections, and many more in the litany, all constitutes the stumbling blocks which usually culminates into the crumbling of many cyber cafe establishments. That is to say that managing a Cyber cafe obviously an expert who possess the requires skills and knowledge with which to surmount these challenges effectively, reasonably avert associated business risks and totally overcome the numerous potential problems that may militate against the successful operation of the venture from time to time.
Below, I will take out time to carefully enumerate 6 main tips that will ensure that you manage your cyber cafes profitably as long as you abide faithfully to them.
(1). Diversify your business and explore other related opportunities:
Cyber cafes should not only be focused on the sales of browsing tickets to internet users only. There are many other ways of making money from your cyber cafe. Offer other miscellaneous computer services like typing, spiral binding, photocopying, lamination, online registrations (helping clients to register for programs and send their job applications and CVs), ICT tutorials on the use of various computer programs like the MicroSoft packages including the MS Word, MS Excel, MS Corel Draw and others, canteen services and many more avenues of making more money.
(2). Ensure a steady and an uninterrupted Power Supply:
The electricity power supply system in many locations and countries is nothing to writ home about. In order to battle off such fluctuations in power supply from your business, buy and install a big or medium-sized generator depending on your scale of operation. Also make available other power storage and regulating facilities like UPS and Stabilizers so as to protect other devices from power surge damages and keep your services uninterrupted even when the main power source is put off.
(3). Stop your bad procrastinating habits:
Delay is dangerous. Learn to do the right things perfectly at the right times. Do not always assume or manage when you are capable of getting the best. Fix any faults and problems associated with any of your operating gadgets and equipment as soon as you notice them. Stop indulging in unnecessary postponements and procrastination for goodness sake. Always bear in mind that you are running a business which you have spent so much money and efforts to put up.
(4). Cut down your high maintenance costs:
Be a prudent spender and enroll yourself into a business management and maintenance courses so as to learn many cost effective ways and techniques of fixing up minor and major faults in your cyber cafe without paying huge fees to engage an engineer or a technician.
(5). Use a reliable and an affordable ISP Service Provider:
Economize your business funds especially when it comes to paying for your ISP fees. If it is possible, find and use an ISP that will not charge your cyber cafe big fixed fees monthly. The ones that you will pay for their services according to the extent of bandwidth volume exhausted and used within a defined period is preferable.
(6). Install a Back-up Internet Connection:
Do not put all your eggs in one basket to avoid having disappointments and a series of embarrassment someday. Make provision for two or more Internet connection gateways for your cyber cafe so that if one fails or becomes too slow or very costly, the other will substitute for it instantly. The cost is not much so you can easily finance the various services and still run your business profitably.
You may have other nice tips for managing an ideal cyber cafe effectively and profitably. Feel free to add them below in the comment section using the comment box. Also, your views and questions on this article are always welcome for timely attention and responses. Make sure you read my next post and add more to your knowledge. Stay tuned!
TAGS: internet cafe business africa, internet cafe business south africa, internet cafe business in addis ababa, cyber cafe as a business, start a cyber cafe business, starting a cyber cafe business in nigeria, opening a cyber cafe business, a cyber cafe business plan, an internet cafe business plan, running a cyber cafe business, starting a cyber cafe business in nairobi, setting up a cyber cafe business in nigeria, cyber cafe business plan in bangalore, internet cafe business capital cost, how to start cyber cafe business in bangalore, is cyber cafe business good, how is cyber cafe business, how to improve cyber cafe business, how to grow cyber cafe business, internet cafe business in ghana, internet cafe business guide, is cyber cafe business profitable in kenya, cyber cafe business in lagos, cyber cafe business malaysia, internet cafe business in nigeria, cyber cafe business plan in nigeria pdf, cyber cafe business requirements, internet cafe business for sale in london, internet cafe business for sale in malaysia
Internet Cafe Business Plan - How To Set Up a Cyber Cafe Business Plan PDF
Reviewed by Blog Editor
Monday, February 23, 2015
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