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Making money online works just like making money offline. The major distinguishing feature between the two is that while the former is done and facilated over the websites and portals on the internet, the latter is purely actualized through the physical day to day business operations and activities. Generally, making money from any source, online or offline, is guided by the basic principle that you must either sell a product or render a service in order to earn your revenue. But many people out there are yet to understand this fact.
As a result of the massive misconception held by so many individuals, even the literate and educated ones, that I have decided to put up this article together and treat the issue. Making money online is not easier that making money doing other offline profitable businesses. The only beauty about online business and e-commerce is that it is a more advanced and technical way of doing business and still making money. It is mainly computerized over the internet to reduce the world into a global village and community of online sellers and buyers.
So never you think it is easy when you here people talking about making millions from the comfort of their bedroom, it is real but just like in the normal course of running any other business you can ever think of, stress and risks are involved. Just like getting free gifts and cash from your friends and close groups, you can also get them online from you fans through the use of Donation add-ons like the popular Paypal Donation Buttons. Also, always take a close look at such people who tell you that they make millions of money online everyday and find out if they are dealing in legitimate online businesses. Most of them engage in fraudulent online activities and usually end up arrested and penalized by the relevant authorities.
There are a very good number of legitimate online businesses which you can do and make a lot of money for yourself. They include profitable ventures which includes managing Bulk SMS portals, web designing, Blogging, Information Marketing, Offering digital downloads, Google Adsense Ads publishing, referrals, surveying, reading emails, Forex trading, Affiliate marketing, rendering SEO services to webmasters, graphic designing, logo making, managing online payment processors like the PerfectMoney, Paid offers, to mention but just these few. The list of good online businesses is actually endless.
However, finding a good list of online businesses to do is not the issue because many of us easily register and enroll ourselves into these businesses shortly after seeing and getting interested in them. Rather, there are many problems experienced by people which prevents them on the long run from making money online. That's very sad indeed and is really worth shedding a bucket of tears for. It is always so disheartening that after struggling with your mates to get something doing online, they will end up smiling and making a lot of money while you remain dejected, sad and confused despite the fact that you all started together.
And to make it worse for you, you cannot certainly comprehend the reasons for such misfortunes even when you caused the. Yourself. Remember, ignorance can never be used as an excuse. That is why I have decided to call your mind to the consciousness of the various reasons why you always fail in your quest to make money online. Now, read the quietly below:
(1). You always live and operate in disbelief. You do not have confidence in what you can do and also, in the potentials that a given online opportunity has to offer you. All you keep on doing is to doubt endlessly about how real online businesses are. Your mind will not be focused fully on achieving the goal and finally, you will fail to make money online and start feeling as if you are good for nothing when the you have the full prospects of making it big in your own hands and within your grasp.
(2). Are you the impatient type? If you are, I am very sorry to tell you that you can never ever make money online in your life. That is the simple gospel truth and there are no two ways about it. Just like every other physical business venture, setting up a profitable online business requires enough time, hardwork and attention for you to keep it rolling. Your initial earning rates and pattern may seem to be so low and slow especially if you are into Ads Publishing programs like the Google Adsense, Infolinks, Chitika and Yahoo Ads. So easily, you forget that is the slow but steady that wins the race. You grow too desperate and over-ambitious. As a result, you quit online business as a sad person always complianing of one thing or the other. A journey of a thousand steps starts with one. Winners never quitted and quitters never win.
(3). You are a plagiarist. All you do is to copy and paste contents from other websites and blogs onto your platform. You are not a type that finds time to create unique contents for your business and portals. Originality is always the key to succeeding in most online businesses that deals with managing contents and media just like blogging. If you do not labour to be original, how else do you want to get popular and make your money online?
(4). The Payment processing and earnings withdrawal systems of the portal that you work for do not support your country. This is a very big turn off for most persons as long as doing online business is concerned. If for instance you are a Nigerian and you work for a microjob portal like Fiverr, you will find it extremely difficult or tally impossible to withdraw your site earnings because they pay their members through Paypal - an online payment processing portal which as of the time of writing this article does not support Nigerian accounts for the reception of funds. Such accounts can only give out funds without receiving from other users. This is a very big constraint for many people to make money online.
(5). Also, many genuine online money making programs find it difficult to accept new members who must undergo rigorous screening exercise before getting approvals. The Yahoo Ads Network through only accepts blogs whose main source of traffic is from the United Kingdom (UK) or the United States of America (USA). It expressly implies that other blog writers who get local traffic from other regions to their blogs do not have any hope of being accepted to participate as Ads Publishers under the network and make money online. A similar case is also obtainable with the Google Adsense program whose strict rules and webmaster requirements for approval into the program is very tight for most people.
(6). You will never make money online if you are busy putting all your efforts working for a website notorious for disappointing their members. Once it is time for earnings withdrawals by their members, the site administrators will formulate and fabricate meaningless and clueless stories giving you a thousand and one reasons why you will not be paid. Sometimes, they will close down their portals and even disable your accounts with them. So if you ever fall a prey and victim to any of these site, your dreams of making money will be shattered into the dusts. Watch out for my future post where I will discuss ways on how to spot a good online money making platform as well as the fake ones.
(7). If you are fraudulent, illegal, dupe-prone, fake and unreal in your dealings online, you will never ever make money online. Sooner or later, you will surely be caught by the monitoring authorities and have the heavy weight of the law brought upon your shoulders. As long as you do not want to provide the needed utilities online, stop thinking about making money online someday. If you are not banned from online programs, you will be caught and prosecuted.
(8). Information is always said to be that wide gap separating the rich people from the poor ones. If you are not adequately informed, you will be totally deformed. Having no idea of online businesses and how to operate them profitably is a very big hindrance to your plans of making money online. So take out your time to research, learn and understand any online business that interests you first before you can ever think of venturing into it. If not, you will surely end up making no money and even looses your investments and funds.
(9). Harsh global trends in the world economy affects your degree of success in some online business models like the Forex. That is why every now and then, you hear people saying it aloud that the Forex (Foreign Exchange) is a very risky business venture because the outcome of the platform is decided by the economic forces of the domestic economies of different countries in the world as it affects the purchasing power of their currencies. No wonder you and your friends always cry bitterly whenever you loose all your money after investing them into the Forex market. Thus, you do not make money online at the end of everything.
(10). Web traffic is a very important and indispensable ingredients as long as we are talking about making money online. If you do not get much online visitors and page views for your websites, products, services, Ads publishing programs and other stuffs then, you will definitely fail in your quest to make money online. Just like in offline businesses, you need effective promotion, advertising, Search Engine optimization (SEO), social networking, backlink creation, consumer loyalty strategies like the provision of high quality online contents, products and services at cost effective prices or even freely and other miscellaneous means of achieving visibility and exposure for whatever you offer. If not then start waving good bye to your disappointment-filled days during which you have made money online only in your dreams.
(11). Poor marketing and promotional strategies can limit and halt your plans of making money online. If you say that for the fact that they will cost you money that you will not do them even when the are very necessary to be implemented, simply take your last breathe in the online business world and start looking for something else to do before hunger and poverty catches up with you.
(12). When you do not have a product to sell or a service to offer or a genuine reason with which to collect donations from people online then, your instant failure the online business arena is signed and assured. How can you expect yourself to get deposit alerts from your banks when you have not done any work or made any reasonable efforts to earn you living and make money online deservedly? Do you expect the money to fall down from the sky? Simply drop your lazy, nonchalant and lackadaisical attitudes and embrace the power of enterprise, creativity and innovation for you to start making money online.
As specified in the title of this article, this is the end of all I have for you but definitely not all the reasons why people fail to make money online. If you have more, please you are free to add them here using the comment box placed below. For your questions and views about this post, also leave them in the comment section below and I will follow them up and guide you the much I can where it is necessary.
For making out your time to read this post, my mouth is full of thanks and my heart stuffed with appreciation and gratitudes. I hope you learnt a lot from the post? If yes then, I am a fulfilled teacher. Always visit this blog and learn even more from the vital business and entrepreneurship articles which I share here frequently and daily. Warm up to read my next post as soon as possible!
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Making money online works just like making money offline. The major distinguishing feature between the two is that while the former is done and facilated over the websites and portals on the internet, the latter is purely actualized through the physical day to day business operations and activities. Generally, making money from any source, online or offline, is guided by the basic principle that you must either sell a product or render a service in order to earn your revenue. But many people out there are yet to understand this fact.
As a result of the massive misconception held by so many individuals, even the literate and educated ones, that I have decided to put up this article together and treat the issue. Making money online is not easier that making money doing other offline profitable businesses. The only beauty about online business and e-commerce is that it is a more advanced and technical way of doing business and still making money. It is mainly computerized over the internet to reduce the world into a global village and community of online sellers and buyers.
[Post Image Courtesy of StockImages at]
So never you think it is easy when you here people talking about making millions from the comfort of their bedroom, it is real but just like in the normal course of running any other business you can ever think of, stress and risks are involved. Just like getting free gifts and cash from your friends and close groups, you can also get them online from you fans through the use of Donation add-ons like the popular Paypal Donation Buttons. Also, always take a close look at such people who tell you that they make millions of money online everyday and find out if they are dealing in legitimate online businesses. Most of them engage in fraudulent online activities and usually end up arrested and penalized by the relevant authorities.
There are a very good number of legitimate online businesses which you can do and make a lot of money for yourself. They include profitable ventures which includes managing Bulk SMS portals, web designing, Blogging, Information Marketing, Offering digital downloads, Google Adsense Ads publishing, referrals, surveying, reading emails, Forex trading, Affiliate marketing, rendering SEO services to webmasters, graphic designing, logo making, managing online payment processors like the PerfectMoney, Paid offers, to mention but just these few. The list of good online businesses is actually endless.
However, finding a good list of online businesses to do is not the issue because many of us easily register and enroll ourselves into these businesses shortly after seeing and getting interested in them. Rather, there are many problems experienced by people which prevents them on the long run from making money online. That's very sad indeed and is really worth shedding a bucket of tears for. It is always so disheartening that after struggling with your mates to get something doing online, they will end up smiling and making a lot of money while you remain dejected, sad and confused despite the fact that you all started together.
And to make it worse for you, you cannot certainly comprehend the reasons for such misfortunes even when you caused the. Yourself. Remember, ignorance can never be used as an excuse. That is why I have decided to call your mind to the consciousness of the various reasons why you always fail in your quest to make money online. Now, read the quietly below:
(1). You always live and operate in disbelief. You do not have confidence in what you can do and also, in the potentials that a given online opportunity has to offer you. All you keep on doing is to doubt endlessly about how real online businesses are. Your mind will not be focused fully on achieving the goal and finally, you will fail to make money online and start feeling as if you are good for nothing when the you have the full prospects of making it big in your own hands and within your grasp.
(2). Are you the impatient type? If you are, I am very sorry to tell you that you can never ever make money online in your life. That is the simple gospel truth and there are no two ways about it. Just like every other physical business venture, setting up a profitable online business requires enough time, hardwork and attention for you to keep it rolling. Your initial earning rates and pattern may seem to be so low and slow especially if you are into Ads Publishing programs like the Google Adsense, Infolinks, Chitika and Yahoo Ads. So easily, you forget that is the slow but steady that wins the race. You grow too desperate and over-ambitious. As a result, you quit online business as a sad person always complianing of one thing or the other. A journey of a thousand steps starts with one. Winners never quitted and quitters never win.
(3). You are a plagiarist. All you do is to copy and paste contents from other websites and blogs onto your platform. You are not a type that finds time to create unique contents for your business and portals. Originality is always the key to succeeding in most online businesses that deals with managing contents and media just like blogging. If you do not labour to be original, how else do you want to get popular and make your money online?
(4). The Payment processing and earnings withdrawal systems of the portal that you work for do not support your country. This is a very big turn off for most persons as long as doing online business is concerned. If for instance you are a Nigerian and you work for a microjob portal like Fiverr, you will find it extremely difficult or tally impossible to withdraw your site earnings because they pay their members through Paypal - an online payment processing portal which as of the time of writing this article does not support Nigerian accounts for the reception of funds. Such accounts can only give out funds without receiving from other users. This is a very big constraint for many people to make money online.
(5). Also, many genuine online money making programs find it difficult to accept new members who must undergo rigorous screening exercise before getting approvals. The Yahoo Ads Network through only accepts blogs whose main source of traffic is from the United Kingdom (UK) or the United States of America (USA). It expressly implies that other blog writers who get local traffic from other regions to their blogs do not have any hope of being accepted to participate as Ads Publishers under the network and make money online. A similar case is also obtainable with the Google Adsense program whose strict rules and webmaster requirements for approval into the program is very tight for most people.
(6). You will never make money online if you are busy putting all your efforts working for a website notorious for disappointing their members. Once it is time for earnings withdrawals by their members, the site administrators will formulate and fabricate meaningless and clueless stories giving you a thousand and one reasons why you will not be paid. Sometimes, they will close down their portals and even disable your accounts with them. So if you ever fall a prey and victim to any of these site, your dreams of making money will be shattered into the dusts. Watch out for my future post where I will discuss ways on how to spot a good online money making platform as well as the fake ones.
(7). If you are fraudulent, illegal, dupe-prone, fake and unreal in your dealings online, you will never ever make money online. Sooner or later, you will surely be caught by the monitoring authorities and have the heavy weight of the law brought upon your shoulders. As long as you do not want to provide the needed utilities online, stop thinking about making money online someday. If you are not banned from online programs, you will be caught and prosecuted.
(8). Information is always said to be that wide gap separating the rich people from the poor ones. If you are not adequately informed, you will be totally deformed. Having no idea of online businesses and how to operate them profitably is a very big hindrance to your plans of making money online. So take out your time to research, learn and understand any online business that interests you first before you can ever think of venturing into it. If not, you will surely end up making no money and even looses your investments and funds.
(9). Harsh global trends in the world economy affects your degree of success in some online business models like the Forex. That is why every now and then, you hear people saying it aloud that the Forex (Foreign Exchange) is a very risky business venture because the outcome of the platform is decided by the economic forces of the domestic economies of different countries in the world as it affects the purchasing power of their currencies. No wonder you and your friends always cry bitterly whenever you loose all your money after investing them into the Forex market. Thus, you do not make money online at the end of everything.
(10). Web traffic is a very important and indispensable ingredients as long as we are talking about making money online. If you do not get much online visitors and page views for your websites, products, services, Ads publishing programs and other stuffs then, you will definitely fail in your quest to make money online. Just like in offline businesses, you need effective promotion, advertising, Search Engine optimization (SEO), social networking, backlink creation, consumer loyalty strategies like the provision of high quality online contents, products and services at cost effective prices or even freely and other miscellaneous means of achieving visibility and exposure for whatever you offer. If not then start waving good bye to your disappointment-filled days during which you have made money online only in your dreams.
(11). Poor marketing and promotional strategies can limit and halt your plans of making money online. If you say that for the fact that they will cost you money that you will not do them even when the are very necessary to be implemented, simply take your last breathe in the online business world and start looking for something else to do before hunger and poverty catches up with you.
(12). When you do not have a product to sell or a service to offer or a genuine reason with which to collect donations from people online then, your instant failure the online business arena is signed and assured. How can you expect yourself to get deposit alerts from your banks when you have not done any work or made any reasonable efforts to earn you living and make money online deservedly? Do you expect the money to fall down from the sky? Simply drop your lazy, nonchalant and lackadaisical attitudes and embrace the power of enterprise, creativity and innovation for you to start making money online.
As specified in the title of this article, this is the end of all I have for you but definitely not all the reasons why people fail to make money online. If you have more, please you are free to add them here using the comment box placed below. For your questions and views about this post, also leave them in the comment section below and I will follow them up and guide you the much I can where it is necessary.
For making out your time to read this post, my mouth is full of thanks and my heart stuffed with appreciation and gratitudes. I hope you learnt a lot from the post? If yes then, I am a fulfilled teacher. Always visit this blog and learn even more from the vital business and entrepreneurship articles which I share here frequently and daily. Warm up to read my next post as soon as possible!
TAGS: make money online reddit, make money online surveys, make money online 2016, make money online free, can i make money online, how i make money online without any investment, ways to make money online, ways of make money online, ideas for make money online, 4 ways to make money online, websites for make money online, 60 ways to make money online, 6 great ways to make money online, how to make money online, list of make money online sites, how to make money in gta online, t shirt design make money online, can you make money online surveys, 6 easy ways to make big money online, 7 ways to make money online, 8 ways to make money online, top 10 make money online sites, top 10 make money online forums, top 10 make money online blogs, 9 ways to make money online, 80 ways to make money online, 87 ways to make money online, 10 ways to make money online for free, 10 ideas to make money online, 10 tips to make money online, 10 ways to make money online without investment
12 Good reasons why you fail to make money online fast
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