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Information Marketing Ideas - How to make over One Million Cash Monthly (PART ONE)!

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The particular reason why most people will never make a dime online all their lifetime is that they do not practice whatever they must have learnt about various online businesses. Nothing good comes easy in life and that is why we must all learn how to work hard. The case with starting and managing an online business would have been expressly simple if not for the fact that a great deal of hardwork is required at its initial start-up stage; sordid hardwork relating majorly to creating quality contents and driving traffic. Let us put that apart for now as i introduce you to a more convenient and less stressful way of blowing up your bank account just within a day.

You may not believe it but it is very possible that you will make above a million naira daily with this fantastic business solution whether your prophets have already foretold that you will never make it in life or not. I guarantee it and that is my word. All you need to do is to have confidence in yourself, believe that you will make it and act in accordance with what you will hear today.

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[Post Image Courtesy of David Castillo Dominici at]

One certain morning in 2008 while i was listening to my radio, an advertisement about an ongoing one-week online business seminar was broadcasted and i became interested at once as if it was a charm. I knew how miserly i spent my money as a student during those days but till today, i have not yet understood what made me to pay out my hard-earned N1,500 just to attend that seminar. I guess it was the good mind because if not for that seminar, i would probably be a nobody today. The seminar was really motivating and that was how and where i started my online business journey.

However, the most important thing on my mind after that very seminar was not that i learnt a great deal of online business ideas rather, my mind kept on calculating over and over again the amount of money made by our tutor during that seminar week. As i could still remember, a total of 2,814 people including me attended that seminar on the last day it was held and each of us paid N1,500 each as seminar fees. If you multiply 2,817 participants by N1,500, you will realize that our tutor made a whooping sum of N4,225,500 that very day alone. The seminar lasted for a full week so if you multiply N4,225,500 (assuming he made this same amount approximately during each of the other seminar days) by 7 days, you will get to know that our tutor earned an enormous sum of N29,578,500 just from the seminar fees paid. by his participants. During the same seminar, a CD containing the full details of 40 various online businesses was being sold at the price of N1,000 each.

When i went to pay for my copy, i was given a book to write my name only to discover that my name will sum up the number of those who have paid for the CD (since the seminar began) to 14,693 persons. I was marveled so i began my calculations again. I multiplied 14,693 people by N1,000 and the result gave me a signal that our tutor have made a huge sun of N14,693,000 from the CD so far and after i have paid, lots of people were still joining the queue just to pay too. I added N14,693,000 and N29,578,500 together and the sum dumbfounded me. I looked back at our tutor at once and saw him smiling like a big man on his seat for he had made it big. I am quite sure that he made above N44,271,500 during the seminar week; an amount which a mere banker may not even earn in 10 years time.

I did not just get marveled and relaxed rather, i fought on my own to make it too. Look at what i did. I went back to school and learnt the 40 online businesses contained in the CD that i bought. After that, i convinced my two friends and we organized a 2-days online business seminar at Cana house located at Awka in Anambra state. The seminar was a mind-blowing one and lots of people who attended during those two days paid the seminar fees and bought our. packages too. We made exactly N5,827,400 and i was the happiest man on earth that very day. We shared the money later on and i got the lion's share because it was all my initiative. Since that very day till today, I have been organizing such seminars on my own and i have made a great deal of fortunes from it. You too can do the same if only you will believe in yourself.

Watch out for the second part of this topic where you will be shown how to do this business and make lots of money from it. It is very simple and as long as you do not try, you can never ever get anything beneficial from it. Do not be a coward rather, choose to be valiant and strong as you take advantage of life's amazing package of opportunities. Stay in touch with us always. We will appreciate it if you do so. Take a sip of tea and be back here as soon as possible for the second part of this discussion.

TAGS: information marketing business in nigeria, information marketing business model, information marketing business plan, information marketing jobs, information marketing jennifer rowley, information marketing success stories, information marketing blog, information marketing business pdf, information marketing in nigeria, information marketing sites, information marketing tutorials, information marketing tips, information marketing 101, information marketing uk, information marketing websites, information marketing wikipedia
Information Marketing Ideas - How to make over One Million Cash Monthly (PART ONE)! Information Marketing Ideas - How to make over One Million Cash Monthly (PART ONE)! Reviewed by Blog Editor on Friday, March 28, 2014 Rating: 5

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