Information Marketing Business Ideas - Secrets on how I earn One Million daily organizing Internet Business Seminars (PART TWO)!
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Retreat from reading this write-up if you have not yet read its first part. Come back and read this after you must have done so. As for those who have been following us right from the beginning, you are highly welcomed back once again. This is the second and final part. Having gave you a tip of the iceberg on what this business is all about, let me proceed by showing you how to begin at once and start making over a million naira daily just like I have always said since i started this topic.
It is always said that "Impossible" is the only word found in the dictionary of cowards so do not even think about that. Hence, my job is not only to show you the fishing river, i will also task myself to show you how to trap the huge fishes out of the river for your own benefit. Right now, i will show you the step by step directions on how to organize a successful online business seminar and make a huge income from it daily. Just like I said in the first part of this discussion, you may need initial sacrifices. If you are ready for this stuff, follow these steps below :
* Make up your mind with the full courage to proceed.
* Carry out a research and gather quality information about at least 5 profitable online businesses. If you will find it difficult doing so, pay us the sum of N1,500 and we shall send you the full details of 5 attractive and lucrative online businesses. You can contact us through our details.
* After that, compile those informations in a CD or a paper manual and duplicate them into as many copies as you dim fit.
* You need to learn how to express yourself in the public. Even if you are not a professional orator, you can still talk meaningfully provided that you are passing the correct message to your audience. If you will find it difficult, find a friend to help you or you can contact me for assistance and negotiations through 07066087115. I will charge you a very moderate fee if you will like me to speak at your seminar.
* The next step is to advertise your scheduled seminar through any online or offline advertising means. The best advertising channel i will advise you to use for a programme like this is the radio advertising channel . It will cost you between N10,000 to N20,000 to do this effectively through any radio broadcasting station in your location. A lot of people listen to the radio and such people are always interested in either money-making opportunities or herbal health services. I am telling you from my personal experience so keep aside your doubts.
Also, do not say that the advert cost is too much. You will never understand how cheap it is until you have made it big from your seminar. I do this often so i hereby guarantee that it is not a risk at all. You will recover that amount as many times as possible once you begin. Tell people during your advert about your seminar, what they will gain, the seminar fee, the venue and other things. Also drop your phone number in the advert inorder to entertain calls from people who need directions, details and informations too. You can advertise physically too by persuading your friends and other people you get in touch with.
* You can choose the duration of your seminar. For me, i will recommend a week seminar for beginners so that they can see how easy and sweet it is to make money.
* Rent a convenient and popular venue around the town so that people can easily locate it. This is a very cheap exercise too.
* Once the seminar starts, abide by these rules because they will help you a lot. Provide refreshments for your audience, give them a break period, speak to them audibly with a good microphone (you do not necessarily need a laptop to show them what you are doing), sell your already-made online business manuals to them, try and be snappy as you talk, avoid long stories and for each day, make your seminar to last for 7 hours including an hour break period.
* Do this over and over again during each seminar day and sooner you will be through with it.
The next thing that will follow afterwards is your jubiliation time. Pull a cushion, sit back, relax and stare at the loads of money you must have made from your seminar and thank your God not me; because he was the one who made it all possible. You can continue organising seminar over and over again because it is one of the few businesses one can do in this life without anticipating any losses. Mark my words and take them as they are.
Finally, we have come to the end of the show and we deeply appreciate the attention you have given to us since we started this topic. Accept our sincere gratitude. Meet us on facebook today. If you do so, you will never miss our free future updates again. See you all later.
TAGS: information marketing business in nigeria, information marketing business model, information marketing business plan, information marketing blog, information marketing business pdf, information marketing in nigeria, information marketing jobs, information marketing jennifer rowley, information marketing success stories, information marketing sites, information marketing tutorials, information marketing tips, information marketing uk, information marketing websites, information marketing wikipedia, information marketing 101
Retreat from reading this write-up if you have not yet read its first part. Come back and read this after you must have done so. As for those who have been following us right from the beginning, you are highly welcomed back once again. This is the second and final part. Having gave you a tip of the iceberg on what this business is all about, let me proceed by showing you how to begin at once and start making over a million naira daily just like I have always said since i started this topic.
It is always said that "Impossible" is the only word found in the dictionary of cowards so do not even think about that. Hence, my job is not only to show you the fishing river, i will also task myself to show you how to trap the huge fishes out of the river for your own benefit. Right now, i will show you the step by step directions on how to organize a successful online business seminar and make a huge income from it daily. Just like I said in the first part of this discussion, you may need initial sacrifices. If you are ready for this stuff, follow these steps below :
* Make up your mind with the full courage to proceed.
* Carry out a research and gather quality information about at least 5 profitable online businesses. If you will find it difficult doing so, pay us the sum of N1,500 and we shall send you the full details of 5 attractive and lucrative online businesses. You can contact us through our details.
[Post Image Courtesy of David Castillo Dominici at]
* After that, compile those informations in a CD or a paper manual and duplicate them into as many copies as you dim fit.
* You need to learn how to express yourself in the public. Even if you are not a professional orator, you can still talk meaningfully provided that you are passing the correct message to your audience. If you will find it difficult, find a friend to help you or you can contact me for assistance and negotiations through 07066087115. I will charge you a very moderate fee if you will like me to speak at your seminar.
* The next step is to advertise your scheduled seminar through any online or offline advertising means. The best advertising channel i will advise you to use for a programme like this is the radio advertising channel . It will cost you between N10,000 to N20,000 to do this effectively through any radio broadcasting station in your location. A lot of people listen to the radio and such people are always interested in either money-making opportunities or herbal health services. I am telling you from my personal experience so keep aside your doubts.
Also, do not say that the advert cost is too much. You will never understand how cheap it is until you have made it big from your seminar. I do this often so i hereby guarantee that it is not a risk at all. You will recover that amount as many times as possible once you begin. Tell people during your advert about your seminar, what they will gain, the seminar fee, the venue and other things. Also drop your phone number in the advert inorder to entertain calls from people who need directions, details and informations too. You can advertise physically too by persuading your friends and other people you get in touch with.
* You can choose the duration of your seminar. For me, i will recommend a week seminar for beginners so that they can see how easy and sweet it is to make money.
* Rent a convenient and popular venue around the town so that people can easily locate it. This is a very cheap exercise too.
* Once the seminar starts, abide by these rules because they will help you a lot. Provide refreshments for your audience, give them a break period, speak to them audibly with a good microphone (you do not necessarily need a laptop to show them what you are doing), sell your already-made online business manuals to them, try and be snappy as you talk, avoid long stories and for each day, make your seminar to last for 7 hours including an hour break period.
* Do this over and over again during each seminar day and sooner you will be through with it.
The next thing that will follow afterwards is your jubiliation time. Pull a cushion, sit back, relax and stare at the loads of money you must have made from your seminar and thank your God not me; because he was the one who made it all possible. You can continue organising seminar over and over again because it is one of the few businesses one can do in this life without anticipating any losses. Mark my words and take them as they are.
Finally, we have come to the end of the show and we deeply appreciate the attention you have given to us since we started this topic. Accept our sincere gratitude. Meet us on facebook today. If you do so, you will never miss our free future updates again. See you all later.
TAGS: information marketing business in nigeria, information marketing business model, information marketing business plan, information marketing blog, information marketing business pdf, information marketing in nigeria, information marketing jobs, information marketing jennifer rowley, information marketing success stories, information marketing sites, information marketing tutorials, information marketing tips, information marketing uk, information marketing websites, information marketing wikipedia, information marketing 101
Information Marketing Business Ideas - Secrets on how I earn One Million daily organizing Internet Business Seminars (PART TWO)!
Reviewed by Blog Editor
Friday, March 28, 2014
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