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Plantain Chips Business Plan - How to Start Plaintain Chips Business In Nigeria and make money

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Plantain chips is a very popular snacks all over the world and starting a business on plantain chips production is undoubtedly one of the avenues through which individuals can consistently earn a very good living. Indeed the business is a very lucrative one with an attractive high profit margin at unit lesser costs of production. One interesting fact about this plantain chips business is that it can either be started on a small scale basis on a large scale basis too. And irrespective of the scale of production, you are guaranteed of maximum returns from the business.

This is a business model that has succeed in making so many Nigerian men and women rich billionaires. Even if there are one thousand producers of this product in one state, their combine production capacity will still not be enough to meet up with the demand of the tasty snacks. Many people including the old, the youths and the children like eating plantain chip because of its crunchy nature, tasty and nutritious contents and this makes it a hot cake product. In schools among students and pupils, it is always a very popular snacks competing with pop-corns.

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[Post Image Courtesy of HoloHoloLand at]

Moreover, the high demand that plantain chips has in Nigeria is really an exciting thing which the potential producers should ponder on. Plantain chips is a very durable snacks and hardly gets spoilt when it is prepared and packaged very well by the producers. If you still choose to remain an unemployed citizen after coming across this opportunity the, you may need a deliverance from whatever forces of laziness that are troubling you and making you loose focus on your dreams.

The main raw material from which plaintain chips are made is the Unripe plantain bunches. So if you want to go into this business, you need to be near a plantain farm from where you can source unripe plantains in bulk quantities at very cheap prices. You can also go the nearby villages and rural markets and buy unripe plantains there at very low prices too from the sellers and small scale farmers.

If you want to start this business on a small scale basis, you can start it at the backyard of your house or alternatively, you can rent a space where you will produce the chips for sale. Buy production items and materials including vegetable oil, salt, unripe plantain bunches, slicing knife, waterproofs for product packaging, product labels among other miscellaneous item. If you have more money to produce your plantain chips in a larger scale, then you may need to buy the necessary machines for slicing, frying, sealing and packaging, install a production plant, employ staffs, register your business with the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) in Nigeria and also register your products with any NAFDAC office closer to you. You may also need a distribution van for marketing purposes.

Start production and if you are not well versed in it, the production process is very simple. Just peel, slice and fry the unripe plantains. Leave it to cool then, package and take them to the market for sales. However, you may need a practical experience before you proceed. So I advise that you meet an experienced person in this business to put you through. Sell you products at good profit margins considering your total cost of production to avoid making losses.

You can supply your plantain chips to schools, canteens, shops, supermarkets, offices and through direct sales at any ready market. Make so much money from the business and expand it as the money grows. Avoid making personal drawings from the business to avoid taking your business into liquidity and insolvency. Manage your capital and funds well to ensure maximum returns and profits from the business.

A trial will convince you more. I wish you a very big success as you try and make sincere efforts!

TAGS: how to start plantain chips business in nigeria, how profitable is plantain chips business, how to make plantain chips business, plantain chips making business in nigeria, plantain chips business nigeria, business plan for plantain chips production
Plantain Chips Business Plan - How to Start Plaintain Chips Business In Nigeria and make money Plantain Chips Business Plan - How to Start Plaintain Chips Business In Nigeria and make money Reviewed by Blog Editor on Tuesday, February 10, 2015 Rating: 5


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